VACOTEL is ready for GDPR

And we'll make sure you are too.

What is GDPR?

GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation) is a new set of regulations in force from the 25th of May 2018. These rules have been created to strengthen and protect the personal data of European Union (EU) data subjects, and are designed to cover the rights of EU residents and citizens in terms of privacy, the protection of personal data, the security of that data, and consumer consent in a world of increasing data flow between businesses and consumers across the world.

If you store and process data of anyone located in the EU or communicate with them then you are required to be GDPR compliant regardless of where you are based geographically.

GDPR updates and replaces the data protection laws currently in place, and is directly enforceable in each EU member state. GDPR will result in a lot of changes to the way that data is handled, tracked, and stored for organizations in the EU.

Strong privacy, data protection, and security are at the heart of our mission and as such we have been working diligently to prepare for the EU GDPR legislation and are fully compliant. We are committed to helping our customers be compliant with their Cloud Communications activities too.

What have we done to ensure we are GDPR compliant?

An illustrated guide to GDPR

This illustrated guide to GDPR from Teach Privacy is a handy reference tool to explain GDPR in simple terms. It lays out all the roles of those involved in complying with GDPR, as well as their responsibilities. It also explains the rights of consumers, or ‘data subjects’, whose data is being stored and processed by businesses offering goods or services within the EU.